Chasm 60″x 72″


What is between the material and spiritual worlds?  A chasm maybe?  The left side of this painting has marks that are somewhat recognizable while the right is all about color and form.  In fact the colors on the right could represent wood, fire, water, air.  I find more interest in the spiritual then the material – how about you?

D’s Journey 36″x 48″


Ever taken Ayahausca?  A friend of mine did and she went to a deep place and didn’t want to return.  I painted this, thinking of her and frankly worried about her health.  She is fine, but won’t explore this type of plant medicine again.  What a journey.

Regolith 48″x60″


Elon Musk and others want to put humans on Mars.  After reading how difficult that will be, I imagined what the surface of Mars would look like.  Regolith is a layer of loose, heterogeneous superficial material covering solid rock. It includes dust, soil, broken rock, and other related materials and is present on Earth the Moon, Mars, some asteroids, and other planets and moons.